Saturday, 7 February 2015

January Favourites

I am currently on my semester break, so I don’t really use that much makeup since I spend most of my time just chilling in my home and of course I don’t wear makeup in my own house. That’s why most of my January favourites aren’t makeup products, but mostly skin care and just some random stuff. So here are what I've been loving throughout January

Just like everyone else who has too much free time, I spend most of it in front of my laptop, watching TV shows. Fringe is what I've been watching for a few weeks, and I’m telling you, I’m obsessed with this show! My day isn't complete without me watching at least one episode. This is actually not a new series since it ended in 2013.
It is a science fiction series about an FBI agent who handles not your daily, normal type of crimes, but bizarre phenomenon with the help of a (slightly) mad scientist and his son. I love everything about it, the actors are brilliant (you’ll know why I said this when you reach season 3), the storyline is intriguing with plot-twists everywhere and the characters are developing so nicely. Walter Bishop, the mad scientist, is probably my favourite character in the show. His weird sense of humour could lighten up even the darkest situation. If you love science fiction, you would want to check this one out.

Bio Oil
My skin was really dull and dry after I got back home from Saudi Arabia. I put this oil on my face overnight in hope that it will re-hydrate my face. The next morning, I swear I could really tell the difference this oil made. Not only that it has re-hydrated my face, it also brought back the glow in it at the same time. Since then, I used it every night. Sadly, after a few weeks, I had a breakout. I’m not sure what caused it, whether this product or other new skin product that I recently tried out. Now I’m waiting until my skin clears up, then I will try this out once more. I hope that it will go well this time.

Simple Spotless Skin Rapid Action Spot Zapper
If you have read my last post, you’d know how I love this product. Since I’m having a breakout recently, this product has saved my skin. It certainly has healed my spots faster. If you want to read my complete review on this product, click here.

Tammia Beauty Puff
I actually bought this only about a week ago, but it was still in January, which means it counts right? For Rp88000 (about $8) this beauty puff is amazing. It works really well in applying my BB cream and I've never felt this easy when I’m applying it on my face. It glides smoothly on my face and I really love the finished look of it. It looks really natural and skin like compared to when I use a brush or my fingers. I think I’m never going back to using brush or my fingers anymore as long as I have this on my dressing table.

The Body Shop Honeymania Body Butter
My skin is really dry lately and this product has amazingly helped it a lot. The consistency of this body butter is so thick and rich. You only need a thin layer of it to work its wonder on your skin. I wear it most of the time at night before bed, and don’t you just love the feeling when you wake up and your skin feels so soft? The scent is also so gorgeous as it’s a perfect combination of sweet and floral, helping me to relax at night. Now I know what to reach for whenever my skin acts out again.

So, what have you been enjoying lately?


  1. I absolutely love Bio Oil. It definitely has changed my skin for the better.

    Connie | Sponsored by Coffee | Bloglovin’

  2. The Body Butter sounds so good! I would love to try it out~
    Btw do you mind following each other on bloglovin?:) Just let me know c:

    1. You should try it out! :)
      Sure! I've followed you there :)

  3. Love Body shop butters <3 Almost no matter what scent it could be! lol and the beauty blender/puff looks pretty good for an amazing price! I never used it with my BB cream though? I could try! I use mine for the L'Oreal true match foundation, it works like magic - pretty much like you had mentioned!

    1. Couldn't agree more, they are amazing!
      I know right? I didn't expect it to work that well, but it actually works really great. You should try it with BB cream :)

  4. I love Body Butter! I've recently just become obsessed with it. :D


  5. That body butter looks really good! My skin gets awfully dry in the winter too so will make a point to check out the body shop! :)) xxx

    Anisha ♥

    1. You should! Their body butter feels and smells so amazing :)

  6. Body Shop`s body butters are so good! Heard so many good reviews about Fringe, I will watch it during my midterm break. :)

    1. Yup, they are great. Hope you enjoy watching it as much as I do! :)

  7. Love all of these products! I have to start getting back into the habit of using bio oil! Such an amazing product!
    If you get a moment, come check out my makeup/lifestyle blog, I just posted my favorite nude lip.

    1. Me too, but I'm still waiting until my spots are gone lol

  8. Great post. I've been wanting to try the body butters from the body shop. Tv show wise I have been so obsessed with criminal minds. I'm not a fan of cop/crime shows. I generally find them boring but this and bones are the ones that I like.

    1. You should try it. It works really well. :)
      I love criminal minds too! But I stopped in the middle of season 3. Might want to start watching it again someday. I've also been wanting to watch bones, but they've gotten so far and I don't know if I have the commitment to watch all of it lol

  9. Loving that Bodyshop cream! My fav at the minute its the Vanilla Dee-lite by Lush. Totally obsess with it . you should try it :)

    by the way you have a new follower ! :)

    1. I've heard so many things about Lush. Too bad we don't have it where I live :(. The only option is online shopping but I'm not really sure about it.
      Thanks! I'm following you back :)

  10. Replies
    1. Me too! They are just perfect for my dry skin
