Sunday, 22 February 2015

Maybelline Dream Bouncy Blush

I have heard some good reviews about Maybelline Dream Bouncy Blush for quite a while and I was dying to try it out which unfortunately, I couldn’t find it in Malaysia. When I got back home to Indonesia, I was checking out Maybelline counter in one of department store in my town because I need to buy a new eyebrow pencil. That’s when I found this blusher. When I was thinking whether to try it or not, the attendant told me that if I get it, then I will get 25% discount on my eyebrow pencil. So I thought maybe this is the sign from the universe that I should buy both of them and decided to add this cream blusher along with my eyebrow pencil.

I got it in the shade Peach Satin, as the attendant told me that it was the best shade for me. At first I was not sure of it because it looked so orangey in the packaging and I was afraid that it would look tacky on my face. But when I swatched it in store, it actually looked so pretty and not as orange as I thought it would be.  It’s actually a nice shade of coral with a hint of glimmer in it. I like that it doesn’t have too much glitter in it, making it great for daily use. When applied to my cheeks, it gives a nice healthy sheen to my face.

What I noticed when I first use it was how smooth the texture of this cream blusher was. It blends easily and also feels lightweight, just as what it claims. It’s not really that pigmented which might be a good thing if you tend to be heavy handed. As in the swatch picture, I actually layered it a lot so that you can see the colour of it. I prefer to apply it with my fingers as I think it gives me more control rather than using a brush. I also feel that when I use a brush to apply it, more product ended up on the brush and not on my face. For staying power, I would say that it’s quite decent. It stays at least for about 5 hours without budging that much.

For Rp 59900 or about $5 you can get 5.6 gram of this blusher, a great price for a great product. The packaging itself was nothing special but it is quite compact even though maybe not that durable. But still, it will survive in your hand bag if you decide to bring it along with you for the day.

Have you tried it? Which shade is your favourite?


  1. wow! It has so bright colour!

    1. It's been layered up about 5 times in that swatch pic since it didn't really show up in the pic if I only use 1 layer. It's actually not that bright :)

  2. i love how this leans orange-red - something i need to add to my makeup bag.

    - le jolie

  3. Finding it and being offered a discount surely was a sign!
    I never saw these around here in Germany, but they seem to be worth a little investigation.

    1. I know right? Lol
      I think they are only available only in some countries. Don't know if that's because they got discontinued or what. I couldn't find it in Malaysia either. But do check them out if you could find them :)

  4. It's such a pretty shade and it does suit your skin tone well!

    The Velvet Black // UK Style & Beauty Blog

  5. Really lovely shade! Thats great!! Your blog is soo cute and wonderful!!

    I would be sooo happy if we will follow each other on GFC and stay in touch, honey! Follow4follow? :D
    xoxo Colli // tobeyoutiful

  6. The color looks great! :)

  7. These are my absolute favorite blushes, especially this color!

  8. I didn't love the one I bought of this - I think it was because of the colour - it was peachy but didn't blend well into my skin. Glad you love these!

    Erin | Erin and Katherine Talk Beauty

    1. Too bad yours didn't blend well. Maybe you should try the other colours :)

  9. I'm not a blush user but if I were I would definitely go for cream blush, it looks so natural and smooth! Thanks for writing this review, I enjoyed it :)

  10. I keep seeing this and never picking it up! it looks so great though, I need to get on my blush game
    Allison from

  11. Sounds like a lovely blush, I love that they are calling it bouncy! Such a beautiful shade, nice choice :)

  12. nice blush i want to try

    great post again :D

    would love to know your thoughts on my new post Jadiee'sLittleBlog



    Have a nice day


  13. Wish they did these in England.

    Megan xx

    1. I thought they had that in England. Maybe you could try online shopping? :)

  14. looks so cute :)

  15. this looks like a great product! nice post!

