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- Nadya Elvina
- Hello! I'm Nadya Elvina, a university student who gets too excited over beauty product and cats. Hope you enjoy reading!
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Monday, 16 March 2015
Lips as Sweet as Cake
19:10 | Edit Post
When Watsons started to sell Collection, other than their
famous Lasting Perfection Concealer I got really intrigued by their lip creams,
Cream Puff Moisturising Lip Cream. Sadly, the shade that I thought was perfect
for me was sold out. About a month later when I went back there I saw that the
shade that I wanted was there on the shelf and of course I grabbed it before it
sold out again. It was RM 19.90 (about $5.40) for 5 ml, quite an affordable price for a lip
The shade that I picked up was Fairy Cake. It’s a pretty
coral shade that doesn’t really look too orange but leaning more to pink shade.
As being said on the tube, it gives matte finish. The applicator is a wand just
like the one for lip glosses. The pigmentation is also great as it’s not too
sheen and just one layer of it will give you a nice coral pink lips. The
formula of this lip cream is so creamy and glides quite easily on my lips.

What I don’t like about this lip cream is that it clings to
dry patches, accentuates them even more. I also feel that my lips feel drier
after I applied this lip cream. A wipe of lipbalm will help, but I recommend
exfoliating your lips first just to be safe. The staying power of this lip cream is
quite great, about 4 hours and it didn’t budge even when I drink or wash my
face in the middle of the day.
I really love the shade of this lip cream, too bad that it
doesn’t moisturise my lips as promised. But still, I will use it when I want a
nice coral pink lips for the day.
Labels:Collection,lip cream,make up,review | 9
Sunday, 8 March 2015
Neutrogena Fine Fairness Cream Review
19:48 | Edit Post
For a really long time, I was searching for something that
could make my face brighter and fairer. I’ve tried so many products, yet
nothing ever really works with me. Browsing through my local drug store here in
Malaysia, I saw this day cream by Neutrogena. I know that Neutrogena is not a
new brand in skin care department, but I’ve never found one in my hometown.
This Neutrogena line is called Fine Fairness, promises to give a more
translucent looking skin tone, reduce uneven skin tone and of course,
moisturise. I’ve heard that Neutrogena products are trusted and well known for their quality, so I
decided to pick it up for RM 46.66.

After a couple months, I could notice that it does make my
face brighter and fairer. Even my mom noticed it and after I tell her about this day cream, she changed her moisturiser to this one too. Neutrogena Fine Fairness
Cream also didn’t break me out at all. This day cream also contains SPF 20++,
an important thing for a moisturiser to have because you can’t really go out
without some SPF nowadays. Sadly, it doesn’t really do anything for my uneven
skin tone.
Now I’m on my third jar, a rare occurrence since I usually
change my moisturiser a lot, and I still love it really much.
What’s your favourite day cream? Tell me down in the comment
Labels:Neutrogena,review,skin care | 18
Sunday, 1 March 2015
Goodbye Semester Break, Hello School
20:49 | Edit Post
My 3 month break is coming to an end. I feel so sad but at
the same time so excited to go back to university again. Of course leaving my
hometown, my family, my friends and of course my cats never gets any easier. Going
back home after spending almost 1 year in Malaysia makes me want to stay at home
longer. I even think that it’s more difficult to leave now compared to when I
first left because I actually know what I would miss. Home-cooked meals, late
night chats with my family and cuddles with my cats are something that I took
for granted before, but all of that has become something that I miss most when
I’m far away from home. But still, picturing that I will get back to my routine,
being independent and meet my friends there in Malaysia makes them all more
bearable. I can’t wait going shopping, gossiping and all of those things with
my best friends. Going to library to study with my friends even seems fun (not
when there are tests and assignments though. Who ever thought that these things
are fun?)
A 3 month break was something that I thought will be boring
since I don’t have anything to do for that long, but how I was wrong. ‘Bored’
never crossed my mind, even when I just spend my time in my home, something
that I do a lot in this break. Doing nothing other than reading, watching TV
shows or Youtube or playing PC games is something that I need after 5 months full
of stressful school works.
Of course I didn’t spend the whole break at home,
that would be a waste of time. Me and my family went on a religious trip to
Saudi Arabia. We were planning on spending 9 days there, but we ended up
spending 19 days there because our travel agent messed up. Despise all of that,
it was still a nice and memorable trip. Visiting Mecca and Madina, praying at
al-Masjid al-Nabawi and Masjidil Haram and seeing Kaba in person are something
that you can’t forget. Especially when you’re doing that with your family, that
memory becomes the most precious one.
Going around the town hanging around or going shopping at a mall
also become something that I enjoyed a lot last vacation, either with my family
or with my friends. Seeing it changes and grows in 1 year, even when the
changes are not really that huge, still amazes me.
My family also got a new addition last month, a kitten that
we called Muezza, named after Islamic prophet Muhammad’s favourite cat. Muezza
is actually the grandchild of our cat, Garfield. She was given by our
neighbour, the owner of Muezza’s mom. This little kitten is just so adorable
and full of energy. Anything from crumples of paper to plastic wrap can be used
as a toy by her. Almost every morning we could find those ‘toys’ behind the
sofa. She also loves to chase Garfield that sometimes he got a little annoyed
that he could not get his afternoon naps. I just love both of them lots.

Labels:personal. vacation | 5
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